Train 24/7 - After Hours Gym Access Add On


Start and/or continue your workout after the doors are shut! For $50/month, have access to the gym 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (unless major renovations are happening!).

This add-on requires you to have a membership with us: Train Unlimited, Train Seasonal, Train365 or Train Open Gym.
A $100 deposit is required for your key and will be returned to you when your add-on membership ends!

No long term commitment, cancel anytime. Cannot be pro-rated.
We will use the same billing information received for this purchase for your monthly dues, if you need to change card information, just let us know!

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Cancel anytime. $100 deposit required for the key fob, deposit returned along with the key.

New Client Intro Membership: 1-Month
Personal Training Consultation (*Money Back Guarantee)
Personal Training 12-Pack
from $1,600.00
Speed Assessment
Semi Private Personal Training 12-Pack
from $1,000.00